Daily Fiction, Blogs And Contents
Introducing Live-A-Little Friday Aka High-Calorie Friday
Posted by David Kim on
Introducing Live-A-Little Friday Aka High-Calorie Friday
Supers Inc Ep 2 - Meet Hammer Fist
Posted by David Kim on
Supers Inc HQ is raided by a band of tactically dressed men. They have captured an employee of the Super Heroes Incorporated named Jonathan Harrington, code name Hammer Fist.
Supers Inc Ep 1
Posted by David Kim on
A young bank robbing couple meets two members of Heroes Incorporated, a for-profit super hero organisation.
Posted by David Kim on
A bite sized fiction about a girl and her friend who goes missing after entering an abandoned old asylum in a country town.
The Girl In The Cab
Posted by David Kim on
It was well past midnight when Joe dropped off his last passenger and decided that he has had enough. The tired taxi driver switched the on duty light off and began driving towards home. He checked the map on his phone and saw that it was a long drive to his wife and new born baby. He could barely keep his eyes open. He took a big gulp of the warm energy drink and kept his eyes open. He didn’t recognise a cemetery being in this area. It was pitch black outside, gave him the creeps. All those old tombstones...